Reporting Crime or Emergency

罗杰威廉姆斯大学强烈鼓励及时准确地报告所有犯罪活动, 在RWU财产上发生的可疑行为或紧急情况,请致电(401)254-3333(紧急)或(401)254-3611(非紧急)或亲自致电公共安全部(DPS), by visiting the DPS office in North Campus (building to the right of the Parking Garage in Lot A). Reporting crimes aids DPS in providing prompt response, 减少未来对人员/财产的犯罪活动,如果迫在眉睫或持续存在的威胁继续存在,及时向社区发出警告通知. It should be noted that when using a cell phone to call the DPS, callers should dial (401) 254-3333, as dialing 911 directly will route them to an outside police agency. If you should be routed to an outside police department, 您需要告知他们您在RWU的具体位置,以便他们将该信息发送给DPS.
校园各处设有紧急电话,夜间用蓝灯标示,方便识别. Simply press the button to activate. They are directly connected to the DPS Dispatch Center, which is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The location of the activated telephone is automatically identified to the DPS Dispatch Officer. When calling, provide the Dispatch

  • Your identity
  • Is medical attention needed
  • What is the nature of your call
  • When the event occurred

The DPS responds to all reports of criminal activity or suspicious behavior occurring on its campus. In response to a report, the DPS will dispatch an officer to initiate an incident report. 值班长审查报告,并在必要时提出后续调查建议. DPS事件报告以及通过调查获得的后续信息被转发给学生行为和冲突解决办公室,以采取潜在的纪律处分, as appropriate. 犯罪或其他违反大学政策的事件可通过以下程序报告:

  • Call Public Safety at (401) 254-3333 (emergency) or (401) 254-3611 (non-emergency) or in person, by visiting the DPS office in North Campus (building to the right of the Parking Garage in Lot A).
  • Confidential and/or anonymous reporting form located on the RWU website 
  • Rave Guardian是一款校园安全应用,可以把你的智能手机变成个人安全设备. The free app, available for both iPhone and Android smartphones, allows users to check in with family, friends, Public Safety or others you trust to help you stay safe. You can use the app to set a safety timer, create and message your guardians or initiate emergency help requests at the push of a button. 如果你在校园里看到一些看起来不合适或危险的东西,可以使用Rave Guardian向公共安全部门发送匿名举报. Find complete details and download instructions at the Rave Guardian resource webpage.
  • Crime Prevention Tipline/Email: (401)  254-3212


Because official responsibilities and job titles vary significantly on campus, RWU政策中没有提供校园安全当局(CSA)的个人或组织的具体头衔列表. To determine specifically which individuals or organizations are CSAs, RWU, in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Act, considers the function of the individual or office. CSAs include Officials (i.e. not support staff) whose functions involve relationships with students.  If someone has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, then they are a CSA.

The following are defined by the Jeanne Clery Act as Campus Security Authorities:
  • Department of Public Safety
  • Individuals with Campus Security Responsibility -任何对校园安全负有责任但不构成校园警察部门或校园安全部门的个人, such as an individual who is responsible for monitoring entrance into institutional property. Examples of this category are: parking enforcement staff, event security staff and patrol staff.
  • Individuals Designated by the Campus -在学校校园安全政策声明中指定的任何个人或组织,作为学生和员工举报刑事犯罪的对象. Examples include: President, Provost, Director of Human Resources, Assistant Vice President of Student Life, DPS and the Department of Residence Life and Housing.
  • Officials with Significant Responsibility for Student and Campus Activities — An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus conduct proceedings. Examples of this category are: Dean of Students, Department of Residence Life and Housing Staff, Students who serve as Student Conduct Officials, Officials who oversee student extracurricular activities, Director of Athletics, Team Coaches, Faculty Advisors to student groups and Department of Student Programs and Leadership staff.

It is important to note that to protect the victim and the University community from imminent harm, DPS或任何其他CSA从投诉人那里收到的关于第九条相关事件的信息将被转发给第九条协调员或其指定人员,如果知道受害者和/或犯罪者的身份. If a student has reported an incident to a responsible employee, 但希望保密或要求不对某一特定事件进行调查或采取纪律处分, 那么RWU将权衡这一要求与为所有学生提供安全环境的义务. A student should be aware that if RWU decides to honor a request for confidentiality, RWU对该事件进行有意义的调查和对被指控的违法者采取纪律行动的能力将受到限制. In addition, when deemed necessary to protect the interests of the community, RWU may not be able to honor a student’s request for confidentiality made to a responsible employee. 来自机密报告的非个人身份统计数据包括在大学的年度安全报告中.
针对牧师和专业咨询师的政策:1998年USC第1092 (f)条修正案签署成为法律后的协商规则制定过程, resulted in clarification regarding those considered to be CSAs. 校园内的专业辅导员不被视为CSAs,也不需要在年度犯罪统计中报告犯罪情况. As a matter of policy, 鼓励RWU的专业顾问告知接受咨询的人自愿报告刑事罪行的程序,以便将其列入年度犯罪统计数字. 有一个自愿的程序,以匿名方式收集犯罪统计数据,保密地向牧师和专业顾问(所有临床工作人员)以及医生披露, nurse, or nurse practitioner at Health Services.

  • 教牧顾问:与宗教团体或教派有关联的机构的雇员,该团体或教派认可的神职人员提供保密咨询,并在该认可的范围内担任教牧顾问.
  • 专业咨询师:机构的雇员,其官方职责包括向社区成员提供心理咨询,并在其执照或证书的范围内发挥作用.